Your Serve

10 min
  • Friends to Lovers
  • Sports

Serve yourselves an electric hookup on a rainy tennis court as you play Steve and Lauren in their doubles game of pleasure. Tension rises with glances exchanged on the court but passion is insurmountable when your bodies finally collide. Tease one another all night long and discover the euphoria of winning someone over. When Lauren finally asks Steve for help with her serve, he knows exactly where to put his hands to guide her hips exactly where they want to go. Immerse yourselves in the crackle and pop of a tennis game and the soothing sounds of a gentle rainstorm while you rip at one another in carnal heat.

Grab some rackets and a ball, then don your best tennis attire — a revealing shirt and shorts for Steve and a ponytail with a sexy skirt and crop top for Lauren. Maybe even use a misting spray for when it starts to rain. Couples are eager to get on the court and compete for each other in this artful game of seduction. So bend your knees, arch your back, and keep your eye on the prize.



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