You've Got Blackmail
- Ready to play your fantasy?
- Danger Zone
You can’t see “Anon,” but he can see you. He has hacked into your computers and phones and threatens to share your naughty images unless you indulge him. Through a shared sense of fear and intimidation, this program creates a sinister threat that forces couples to comply with things they may not ordinarily have tried. And this collaboration against a common foe can heighten intimacy in that the couple has to work together to prevent being exposed. Invisible, and even with a voice modulator to disguise his voice, “Anon” impatiently tells you what he wants to see and gives you no time to think about it. He also constantly reminds you of the consequences of non-compliance. With creepy music added to the audio, the experience is not a romantic one; it’s an intense sexual one.
But it’s not all up to Anon. He wants you to do what you do best. Whatever playables you desire are welcome in this blackmail party. And couples who’ve already been “hacked” by “Anon” felt heightened sexual energy and a more intense experience for having been under duress.
You don’t have to do this guide. But if you don’t, your private pictures will be in your work colleagues' and family’s inboxes in ten seconds. The choice is yours. Ten… nine… eight…