Pride and Prejudice and Pleasure

10 min
100 % of 100
5 (1 reviews)
  • Historic
  • Enemies to Lovers
  • Fan Fiction

Love is not always easy. For Lizzie and Fitz, it is a constant battle — brawling with their intellect, and now, their lust. Chase one another through stormy gardens to fight for the upper hand, and the chance to pounce first. Feel the heat build between you, struggling as your wet bodies writhe against one another, until you both succumb to your own delightful demise and prideful pleasures. Fitz finds power over Lizzie's insolence, putting her in the very place she has always wanted to be: under his body. Take cover from a thunderstorm after Fitz's declaration of love for Lizzie gone awry, trapped in her father's study with no way out but through one another.

Don your sexiest 19th century attire, a long dress that's easy to rip off for her and a black vest and matching suit for him. Mist yourself lightly with water to feel as though you've just escaped the storm, and turn a desk into a sparring site for bodies and tongues. Couples lose themselves in this period "Pride and Prejudice" fan fiction fantasy, picking up where Austen's steamy subtext left off and letting you decide how this story ends. Can you handle these ardent feelings?



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  1. 100%
    Pride and Prejudice meets 50 shades, great experience, especially for anyone who is familiar with both. Great descriptions made it so easy to get a great visual and the story is perfectly steamy.