Lead Me Into Temptation

10 min
  • Supernatural

Test your abilities of willpower and seduction as Father Andrew and Lucie, a young woman possessed with a demonic lust. Will good overpower the evil within? The devil works hard, but a young priest in the face of temptation works even harder. Free your bodies from your sins of the flesh and absolve one another as you fill up with Holy Spirit. Once Father Andrew hears Lucie's confession, he realizes he will need more than prayer to compell her to a more holy path. Thunder, wind, and rain add to the dramatic soundtrack along with an angelic choral tune to signify the divine power struggle between your bodies.

Father Andrew should wear a black rosary necklace or prayer beads, priestly garb and collar, or a black shirt buttoned all the way up with black pants, and Lucie should wear a tight black, bodiced shift dress and be misted with water (since she's coming in from the pouring rain when the scene begins). Also recommended: a fan for a dramatic wind effect and don't forget two chairs side by side to make your own confessional booth. Couples who have already confessed are enthralled by Lucie's sexual possession and Father Andrew's ability to exorcise her with his own lust. On your knees now, and let the power of Lust compel you.



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